An installation of OpenEXR was not found on your system. If OpenEXR is in fact installed on this system, you may just need to modify the EXRINCLUDE and EXRLIBDIR lines in the Makefile to point to the OpenEXR headers and libraries. By default, pbrt looks for them in /usr/local/{include,lib}/, respectively. If OpenEXR is not installed, you can either build it from source or use your system's package manager to install it. To build from source, download from, untar it, and follow the directions in the distribution to build and install OpenEXR. By default, it is installed in /usr/local, in which case the default EXRINCLUDE and EXRLIBDIR lines in the pbrt Makefile will find it. If you install it in a different directory, you will likely need to update those variables in the Makefile. Many Linux distributions have package managers that can be used to install prebuilt OpenEXR libraries. However, many of them install relatively old versions of OpenEXR, so you may be safest just installing it from the latest source distribution from Here are pointers about how to install it with the package managers of various systems: Ubuntu: % sudo apt-get install openexr libopenexr-devel Gentoo: % sudo emerge openexr Fedora: % sudo yum install openexr-devel (If you can send information about how to install it with the package managers on other systems to, we will add them here.)